Missing Student Policy
Policy Statement
The safety of all students is paramount and it is essential we know where all students are at all times. This policy is designed to be implemented in cases where students are believed to be absent or missing from the care of Oxford Education and Services (OES). The purpose of the policy is to locate the student by the safest and fastest means possible.
Oxford Education and Services’ adoption of distinct definitions to determine whether someone is missing or absent is in accordance with the National Police Chiefs Council definitions (issued by ACPO in 2013). The following definitions are included within the Local Safeguarding Children Board protocols:
Absent – a child or young person is not at a place where they are expected or required to be and there is no apparent risk.
Missing – a child or young person whose whereabouts cannot be established and where the circumstances are out of character, or the context suggests the person may be subject to crime or at risk of harm to themselves or another.
If a child or young person goes missing out of hours and receives a report then, the DSL, Dr. Iling Lee has to be notified. The DSL shall manage any cases of absent or missing children or young people, and as such all reports must be brought to the attention of the DSL. The DSL is responsible for ensuring the completion of the initial reasonable enquiries where a student is absent/missing during an event (for example half term, exeat or during a suspension/expulsion) which will include:
Obtaining the student’s number and making direct contact by texting, emailing and phoning the student (leaving a message if no answer) asking them to make contact with the on duty member of staff and repeating this contact every 30 minutes
Contacting the missing student's school and asking the school staff on duty in the boarding house to collate any relevant information about the whereabouts of the student
Asking the student's friends or his/her parents or the host family if they are aware of any reason for the absence and ask them to contact the DSL if the child or young person makes contact.
Checking social media to establish the whereabouts of the students.
Review of information held on file which may indicate friends or associates who the student may be with.
OES will also keep all relevant parties updated every hour or when there is any progress.
If we have located the student in a short time, and the student (him/herself) or a friend or family member has confirmed the reason for missing classes, we will contact the school to make a report as an absence.
If we are not able to locate the missing student by any methods above and any member of staff or homestay have genuine concerns for the student’s safety, we will report a child or young person as absent or missing to the police. All the parties will be notified of this action.
Reporting to the police
We will only contact the police after all reasonable checks to locate the student have been carried out and the search is unsuccessful.
A child or young person who falls into the ‘Missing’ Category must be reported to the police as soon as possible by telephoning 101 for a non-emergency report or 999 for an emergency response i.e. information received that a child or young person is in immediate danger of harm.
2. The DSL or Deputy DSL will ensure that the following information is gathered for the initial report to the police:
Name, date of birth and nationality of the child or young person;
The specific concern for the child or young person;
Whether they are likely to be subjected to crime, victim of abuse or at risk of sexual exploitation;
Whether the child or young person likely to attempt suicide; • Whether the child or young person likely to pose a danger to other people;
What actions have been completed so far to locate the child or young person;
A description of the child or young person, including their build, hair, clothing and glasses;
Details of when the child or young person was last seen and with whom;
Personal details of the child or young person (including any medical conditions or ailments);
Any previous history of absconding/absenteeism and circumstances of where found;
The circumstances under which the child or young person is absent;
Any factors which increase the risk to the child or young person;
Homestay address.
Information that may be needed later to extend investigations if the young person is not located:
A recent photograph (if available);
Family addresses and contact telephone numbers;
Known associates, telephone numbers and addresses frequented;
The names and addresses of the child or young person’s GP and dentist;
The circumstances under which the child or young person is absent;
Any factors which increase the risk to the child or young person;
School and House Parent addresses and contact details
Details of any travel and accommodation plans authorised by the overseas parents;
Details of any social media accounts that may be open to the public;
3. The incident must be recorded as an incident report file with regular updates being added until the matter has been resolved. If a police report has been made, the police incident reference number must be recorded. A record of all emails should be included in the incident report file.
After a student is found
A student who goes missing could be at risk of violence, victimisation, sexual exploitation and involvement in crime. The student who goes missing just once faces the same risks as the person who repeatedly goes missing. The possible risk factors may exist for missing incident could be deterioration of physical and mental health, Involvement in criminal activities, victim of abuse, victim of crime (e.g.,through sexual assault and exploitation),alcohol/substance misuse etc. Therefore, when the missing student returns, a supportive approach is very important. There could be a good chance to prevent the student from going missing again and safeguarding them against other risks if we listen and respond to their needs. Also, talk to the professionals, such as social workers might help the student.
Our company will follow the procedure below to take actions once the student is found:
a member of our staff will talk with, take care of and conform the student
a member of our staff will speak with the students and others to make sure that they understand the reason that they should not leave without the permission has been given and notifying their guardian.
The DSL(Designated Safeguarding Lead) will speak with the parents/guardians to report the incident, and then record the incident by writing a letter to the parents.
The DSL will execute a full investigation. The Police and the appropriate Local Safeguarding Children Board will be involved if necessary.
The written report of the incident will be recorded, it includes the details of time, place, members of staff, the circumstances in which the student went missing, an outline of what has happened in our understanding, how long the student was missing and an initial explanation of how the incident appeared to have arisen. All factors which have been involved for the incident might be needed for written statements.
All relevant procedures will be reviewed in the light of the incident for improving the quality of our service.
Children Missing Education
Children Missing Education (2016) is statutory guidance that sets out key principles to enable local authorities in England to implement their legal duty under section 436A of the Education Act 1996 to make arrangements to identify, as far as it is possible to do so, children missing education (CME).
Children Missing Education explains that:
‘All children, regardless of their circumstances, are entitled to an efficient, full time education which is suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs they may have.
Children missing education are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at a school. Children missing education are at significant risk of underachieving, being victims of harm, exploitation or radicalisation, and becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) later in life.
Effective information sharing between parents, schools and local authorities is critical to ensuring that all children of compulsory school age are safe and receiving suitable education. Local authorities should focus their resources effectively in intervening early in the lives of vulnerable children to help prevent poor outcomes.’
Should OES become aware that a student in their care is missing from education, OES will notify the school or college that the student attends immediately.
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
This policy was last reviewed on: 20/Mar/2021………………………(date)
Signed: ……………………………………………………………
Date: ……20/03/2021………………………………………………………