Complaints Policy
Policy Statement
To take care of all pupils in our care is our paramount concern and central focus. Oxford Education and Service Ltd aims to work closely with our pupils, parents and host family to constantly improve our service so that we can work together in spirit of cooperation in the best benefits of our pupils. We encourage the pupils, parents and host families to give suggestions with any concerns. If anyone has any complaints, we will take it seriously and respond quickly and appropriately.
We will make sure to listen to your complaints carefully, treat them seriously and learn from them so that the quality of our service can be improved. Also, we will always treat the complainant with politeness and fairness.
Complaint procedure
Informal Procedure
If anyone has a complaint, they could first contact our staff to find a resolution. We will make efforts to deal with it informally at an early stage as most concerns could be resolved by an informal approach.The staff who you can discuss your concerns with are Dr. Iling Lee, Mrs Jin Bailey. You can contact them by email, phone call, text message and Wechat.
⮚ Email address:
⮚ Contact number: 01865240616/077714145162
⮚ Wechat: OES
Our team will :
Keep a record of the complaint and any action taken;
Respond to all complaints or concerns within 24 hours;
Investigate the concern or complaint;
Report back to the complainant within 10 working days.
If the issue remains unresolved, the next step is to make a formal complaint.
Formal Procedure
If the complaint cannot be resolved or you are not satisfied with the response on an informal basis, then you should put the complaint in any forms of formal writing to our manager and send it to the above email address or Wechat. Please provide as many details as you can for the complaint that helps us to understand the matter and conduct the investigation. The contents of formal complaint letter includes:
what the problem is
what you want to happen
provide information on the subject with any relevant communication (e.g. emails, text messages, the times and dates of any conversations etc)
address your complaint to the person responsible if you have the person's name
sign your name and a date of making a complaint
Our team will:
Keep a record of the complaint and any action taken;
Confirm the receipt of the complaint within 24 hours;
Investigate the concern or complaint – this may take some time but in any event we will keep the complainant informed of progress made;
Report back to the complainant formally in writing no later than 28 working days;
If the issue remains unresolved, the next step is to refer the matter to AEGIS.
Referral of the matter to AEGIS
If complainants are not satisfied with the outcome as decided by Oxford Education and Services, they can contact AEGIS to report their concerns if they wish to do so. Relevant contact details are set out below:
Yasemin Wigglesworth
Executive Officer Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students(AEGIS)
The Wheelhouse,
Bond’s Mill Estate,
Bristol Road,
GL10 3RF
+44 (0) 1453 821293
Written records
We will keep a written record of all formal complaints. It is useful for management purposes and to monitor any patterns of concern. The information should include a record is as follows:
⮚ Date when the issue was raised
⮚ Name of person making the complaint
⮚ Name of person receiving and handling the complaint at each stage
⮚ The details of the complaint
⮚ Records of all investigations (who, what and when)
⮚ Copy of any written communication while action taken
All documents will be kept as confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).